Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an artist from the fifteen hundreds, was our focus this week as we move along to the art show. His name is difficult to pronounce , but our class rose to the occasion and by week's end, everyone could say it. Try asking your youngster to recite this name, You will be very impressed! This painter had a great imagination and sense of humor. At one point the Emperor Rudolf of Italy commissioned Giuseppe to paint his portrait four times, one for each season of the year. The group is called "The Four Seasons". The art work we attempted to imitate was probably for the spring season as the gentleman in the portrait has a face covered with fruits, vegetables and flowers. Luckily the emperor was accepting of this kind of portrait.
The teachers extended this topic to one about healthy foods. Over the week the class played games at circle time. Everyone chose an item, sight unseen, from a bag and told us what the food was and whether or not it was a fruit or vegetable. The adults found themselves checking resources. Did you know that an eggplant, a zucchini and tomato are fruits and not vegetables? Our group knows now. Another day picture cards were placed in the bag and used for a game. We listened to lots of stories about fruits and vegetables such as "Stone Soup", Growing Vegetable Soup" and "We Eat Dinner In the Bathtub". Our library area was filled with books similar in topic.
Rolene made up a song about making vegetable soup. All of us added different vegetables and seasonings to the pot. Jackie created a pot to color that could be filled with decorated pictures of vegetables. These simple songs and art projects were quite popular and enhanced the learning about our artist.
Our blog is filled with photos of our friends painting a canvas , shopping for veggies for their own portrait and gluing them on a canvas. (Pictures are not in order of the text.) Others are working on their pots full of vegetables. In between these pictures you will see Lucas presenting the letter box for "W". He is showing us his watch, a washing machine and a whale. Each week the teachers fill a bucket with books that have the letter of the week somewhere in their titles. The books about Waldo were a tremendous hit. You will see some friends enjoying this hunt in the beginning of the blog. Once again we completed a fun filled week with lots of learning taking place.
We need your cooperation once again. The teachers are trying hard to keep us all safe. Your child's mask must cover both nose and mouth to complete this task. Please check! Some masks coming here are too big for a child's face or are stretched out from constant wear or laundering. The year is close to being over. The Whole Notes have been fortunate as everyone has been safe. Please help us all to reach the year's end with this same goal of good health.
Rolene and Jackie