Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lions/Lambs and Goodbye Takuma

 Our week began with some science about the March winds.  You can see a little experiment on the blog with both a wet and a dry chalkboard.  Does wind make the wet one dry faster?  Another experiment taught us whether or not wind from a straw can move cotton balls.  Any kind of science draws great enthusiasm from our respective audience.

We talked about the saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb".  The group chose paper of various shapes to create lions and lambs.  It is amazing to see that each and every animal is different from the others.  The pictures of both lions and lambs being put together are shown here, along with completed bulletin boards displaying these creatures.  Their habits were contrasted to coincide with observations of the weather.  Ask your preschooler to sing the "Leo the Lion" song.

Margot is using paint at the easel.  This medium has not been out here for awhile.  The easel has only been in our room for a couple of months now.  It is great for muscle development as a youngster has to stretch up his/her arm to work on the pictures.  The teachers vary the tools: paint, chalk, crayons, markers, etc.  This easel also allows for partner planning, creating and cooperating with one person on each side of this structure.

Mira presented the letter box for "T".  She is featured here holding a teddy bear, a tutu and a baby picture of her brother Tima.  For those of you who do not know Tima, he is a graduate of the Whole Note classroom.  Mira did a terrific job.

Finally our week ended with heartfelt farewells to our friend Takuma.  Probably some of our classmates do not really understand that we will not see him daily any longer.  We hope to meet some time on zoom.  The children made him a book to take with him.  Everyone made his/her own page with a drawing about something fun to do with Takuma.  Topics included playing on the outdoor slide, building towers with blocks, reading books together in our library, drawing side by side and the like.  Words dictated said "I love you, I will miss you and Goodbye".  Takuma drew his favorite activity all year which was our Thanksgiving celebration.  He wrote that he liked everybody.  Whole Note friends are shown writing and illustrating their pages on the blog.  Rolene appears here reading the book to the class and Takuma is taking center stage with it.

Takuma's Mom sent us wonderful cupcakes and balloon themed accessories to allow us to have a party to wish our friend a hearty "so long".  We will miss Takuma very much as he was an integral part of our class.  Needless to say, the other children are also.  

We hope you share our weekly photos with your children.  They will love them.

Rolene and Jackie

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