Sunday, April 18, 2021

Bugs and Insects

Over the week the class studied bugs and insects through the use of pictures, charts, stories and simply listening to information taught by the teachers.  Our library books once again were changed, this time to a collection of books on our weekly topic.  Ants were very popular as we learned the three parts of their bodies, number of legs, the different categories of ants in a colony such as workers or soldiers, the importance of the queen ant and more.  Attached to the project on ants-our ant hills that went home- was information your youngster had the opportunity to learn about.  They loved hearing that there are eight thousand kinds of ants or that ants can lift an object five times their weight.  "The Ant Bully" and "Hey Little Ant" were well received stories.
Another project matched to our bug and insect unit was the opportunity to create your own bug or insect with a body formed with model magic.  The teachers put lots of treasures out to choose from such as buttons, pipe cleaners, jewels, cut straws, etc.  Each friend made something creative that was different from all the others.  All of these bug and insect activities are shown on our blog.
You will see Zayden with the letter box for "Z".  He had requested this letter.  He has a picture of a zipper, a photo of his friend Zev (we call Zayden and Zev the "Z" boys) and an adorable photo of himself as a baby.  Thanks to Zayden's Mom for helping him.  Our alphabet books are now completed and will go home at the end of the year.
Show and tell was a big hit.  The class is holding the items chosen to bring in to school for this occasion.  They are featured here in two groups.
Finally is a view of Lucas working on letter puzzles during free choice time.  The missing letters are all in lower case which is a challenge.  Riya is the other class member on display here.  She is coloring, cutting and gluing a fun work sheet which will in the end form a puzzle of a lady bug.  This type of free choice activity always enhances our weekly topic.
Please enjoy your children over the upcoming vacation week.  Be safe.  We will see you again on Monday, April the twenty-sixth.  There is no blog next weekend due to vacation.
Rolene and Jackie



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