Saturday, May 29, 2021

Pizza Friday

 This week's blog and pictures are a little bit evasive.  We are busy as you can see.  Friends are holding paint stampers, creating trees, drawing faces, coloring a squirrel and showing a painted hand.  The  most that  we will tell you is that we are working hard to add a special touch to our graduation program.  You will be pleased and surprised when you see what is really happening here.

The one thing we will share with you is about the photos of facial expressions-happy, silly, grumpy and surprised.  Our drawings of faces led to a discussion of various emotions and situations that cause them.  The class could not resist the opportunity to have fun and demonstrate these feelings.

At the blog's end you can join our pizza lunch.  Friday is by far the favorite lunch day of the week.  Not only is the pizza delicious, but it is the only day of the week that everyone stays for lunch.  So much talking, laughing and friendship happens here.  The teachers always watch the two lunch tables and marvel at just how much the Whole Note children really like each other.  They have all become very good friends.  It does not matter which table the youngsters are at or who they are eating with.  The respect for each others comments and opinions is very obvious.  This pleasant comradery does not always take place in classrooms.  But in our room it is recognizable to all who enter, therefore making the teachers very proud.

Enjoy the long weekend.  See you on Tuesday.

Rolene and Jackie  

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